Últimas notícias UN

merenda escolar, SEDUC AM
Human Rights

Brazil proposes global alliance to combat hunger and poverty

The proposal was presented by members of the Brazilian government at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development at the United Nations in New York, USA.

16/09/2023, Sede da ONU. Foto: Juan Seguí Moreno/Flickr

Brazil pays BRL 847 mi to international bodies in first half of year

Of this total, BRL 325 mi corresponds to the full settlement of the country’s regular contribution to the UN. This is the first time in the last decade Brazil pays its contribution to the UN in the first half of the year.

Venezuelanos interiorizados no município de Igarassu (PE). (Acnur / Divulgação)
Human Rights

Brazil recognized over 77,000 individuals as refugees in 2023

In 2023, the National Committee for Refugees (Conare) examined 138,359 applications for recognition of refugee status, representing a 235% increase compared to 2022.

Surucucu (RR), 09/02/2023 - Mulheres e crianças yanomami em Surucucu, na Terra Indígena Yanomami.  Foto: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil
Human Rights

Mortality of indigenous children over double that of non-indigenous

The data underscores that indigenous communities are facing an inadequate situation, falling short of the targets outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda ratified in 2015.

16/09/2023, Sede da ONU. Foto: Juan Seguí Moreno/Flickr
Human Rights

UN receives report on “alarming” rise of neo‑Nazi groups in Brazil

Neo-Nazi cells surged by 270.6% from Jan. 2019 to May 2021 countrywide, a phenomenon said to have been driven by the spread of hate speech and extremist narratives. At the beginning of 2022, Brazil had over 530 such groups.