Últimas notícias vaccine

Projeto ensina estudantes a identificar informações falsas sobre vacina HPV. Jornalista Gracielly Bittencourt, idealizadora do projeto “Conhecimento é vacina para a desinformação”. Foto: Cleiton Freitas

Brazil adopts single dose of HPV vaccine

"A single vaccine will provide lifelong protection against various types of diseases and cancers caused by HPV," stated Health Minister Nísia Trindade.

Brasília (DF) 01/02/2024 - Butantan publica no NEJM dados que demonstram que vacina da dengue protege 79,6% dos imunizados
Foto: Butantan/Divulgação

Researchers to apply for registration of new dengue jab by July

Since 2009, researchers at Brazil’s Butantan Institute have been studying the production of a new dengue vaccine. The inoculation is currently in its final phase of clinical trials.

Brasília-DF, 10.11.2023, Fachada do Prédio da Agência de Vigilância Sanitária ANVISA, em Brasília.  Foto: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil

COVID-19 vaccine Zalika is registered in Brazil

The jab can be administered to people aged 12 and over. It is the sixth inoculation to receive definitive registration.

Controle de qualidade de vacinas também conta com inspeção visual

Brazil to have global emergency preparedness laboratory

By joining a United Nations network, the Brazilian lab will supply vaccines to other countries, especially in Latin America, during epidemics or pandemics.

Vacinação infantil contra a covid-19 de crianças de 10 anos ou mais, no Planetário, no bairro da Gávea, zona sul da cidade.

Brazil still faces distrust over vaccination

In 2019, Brazil lost its measles elimination certificate, primarily due to a decrease in demand for the vaccine against the disease, as stated by the minister.