Brazil: Kokama and Tikuna people granted ownership of territories in Amazon
By decision of the Justice Ministry, the Riozinho Indigenous Land, located in the municipalities of Juruá and Jutaí, in the state of Amazonas, is now under permanent ownership of the Kokama and Tikuna indigenous groups.
Brought forward by the National Indian Foundation, the proposal aimed to set the boundaries of the area, which has been identified as having been traditionally occupied by the two ethnic groups.
The Brazilian Constitution stipulates that indigenous peoples should be regarded as the original owners of the land traditionally occupied by them and be the only people allowed to use it.
Riozinho is approximately 362,495 hectares large, with a 461km long perimeter. After the demarcation by the National Indian Foundation, the area is set to be officially recognized as indigenous by President Dilma Rousseff.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Brazil: Kokama and Tikuna people granted ownership of territories in Amazon