UNHCR report shows higher number of refugee applications in Brazil in 2016

The figures show that the number of refugees in the country went up 9.3% in 2016, and that the applications rose 23.6% compared to 2015
A report released Monday (Jun 19) by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) shows a rise in the number of refugees and refugee applications in Brazil in 2016. Last year, 9,689 refugees were reported to have come to the country. In 2015, this number had totaled 8,863. The total amount of applications, in turn, went from 28,670 in 2015 to 35,464 in 2016.
The figures show that the number of refugees in the country went up 9.3% in 2016, and that the applications rose 23.6% compared to 2015.
The survey on refugees in Brazil takes into accounts the data from the National Committee of Refugees (CONARE), linked to the Justice Ministry, and were provided early for UNHCR, during a meeting held Monday in São Paulo. The official numbers will only be made public by CONARE sometime this week.
Regarded as the world's biggest survey on migrations, the report indicates that some 65.5 million people were forced to move in 2016 worldwide.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: UNHCR report shows higher number of refugee applications in Brazil in 2016

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