Rio de Janeiro – Petrobras expanded its oil and natural gas reserves in Brazil by 1,5% in 2013. In a note released last Tuesday (Jan. 14), the state-owned company reported incorporated reserves equivalent to 1.09 billion barrels.
After deducting sales in block shares (45 million barrels) and national oil production in 2013 (800 million), the company added 244 million barrels to its reserves. The volume is equivalent to an output of 110 days, based on an average daily 2,2 million barrels in 2013.
With this increase, the company now has proven reserves of 15.97 billion barrels in Brazil. The incorporation of new reserves was made possible by the Declaration of Commerciality of two pre-salt areas in the Santos Basin – the Búzios field plus another one south of the Lula field.
Translated by Augusto Queiroz
Fonte: Petrobras expands oil reserves in Brazil