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Inflation for lower-income families reaches 6.22% in 2016

The rate is higher than the inflation gauged for all income groups
Vitor Abdala reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 05/01/2017 - 10:04
Rio de Janeiro
Osasco (SP) - Famílias que perderam seus barracos e casas de alvenaria no incêndio da Ocupação Esperança planejam  reconstruir as moradias (Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil)
© Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

The Consumer Price Index—1 Class (IPC-C1) that measures inflation for families with monthly income of up to $680.00 reached 6.22% in 2016. The rate is lower than the 11.52% posted in 2015, according to data released Thursday (Jan. 5) by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV).

However, the IPC-C1 stood above the 6.18% gauged by the Consumer Price Index—Brazil (IPC-BR), which measures inflation for all income groups.

Among the expenditure groups analyzed, the highest rates of inflation in 2016 were reported in sundry expenses (11.21%), health and personal care (9.73%), and education, reading and leisure (8.88%).

The food sector posted a year-to-date inflation of 7.1%, and transport, of 7.8%. The lowest rates were reported in housing (2.9%), communication (3.1%), and clothing (3.59%).

Translated by Amarílis Anchieta

Fonte: Inflation for lower-income families reaches 6.22% in 2016