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Brazil oil production down 3% in January

Despite a slip in the oil and gas results, the pre-salt oil production
Cristina Indio do Brasil reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 16/02/2017 - 10:52
Rio de Janeiro
© Agência Petrobras/Douglas Enry

Petrobras's oil and natural gas output was 2.86 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in January. Out of the total, 2.74 million was produced in Brazil and 120,000 was produced abroad.

The average daily production of oil alone was 2.23 million barrels, down 3% compared to December.

The results, posted by Petrobras Wednesday (Feb. 15), were impacted by a scheduled shutdown at the P-40 platform and maintenance at one of the wells connected to floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) Cidade de Anchieta, both of which located in the Campos Basin.

The natural gas production (excluding the liquefied volume) was 81.4 million cubic meters per day in January, in line with the output of December.


The oil output from the pre-salt layer operated by Petrobras (considering both its wholly-owned share and partner shares) hit two new records—a monthly 1.28 million bpd, and a daily production record of 1.34 million on January 4.

The company credited the results to an increase in the production from new wells connected to five FPSOs in the Santos basin—Cidade de Caraguatatuba, Cidade de Saquarema, Cidade de Mangaratiba, Cidade de Itaguaí, and Cidade de São Paulo.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Brazil oil production down 3% in January