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Government Requests Return of Inappropriately Received Emergency Aid

Fraud and irregularities can also be reported
Agência Brasil
Published on 30/11/2021 - 12:05
São Paulo
Auxílio emergencial 2021
© Marcello Casal jr/Agência Brasil

The Ministry of Citizenship sends until this Tuesday (30) cell phone messages (SMS) directing the voluntary return of funds improperly received from emergency aid, in addition to reporting fraud. This is the third batch to be shipped this year and 625,000 people will receive it.

Beneficiaries of emergency aid are also on the return list and are part of the public who receive Brazil Aid (formerly Bolsa Família) via Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) and who need to return it.

Among the targets of the action are workers who declared the Personal Income Tax and were notified to refund the emergency aid, but have not yet made the payment. Also, people who have received funds but do not meet the program's eligibility criteria.

Another group includes people who receive a second assistance benefit from the federal government, such as retirement, unemployment insurance or the Emergency Employment and Income Maintenance Program. Anyone who has an employment relationship on the date of application for emergency aid will also have to reimburse the public coffers.

According to the ministry, after the first two batches of messages, approximately R$ 66.3 million were returned to public coffers in the period from August 18th to November 18th.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.