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See the schedule of the Auxílio Brasil payment cycle in December

Average benefit will be R$226.80; value can reach BRL 400
Agência Brasil
Published on 01/12/2021 - 06:45
Economia, Moeda, Real,Dinheiro, Calculadora
© Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Caixa, responsible for the payment of installments of the Auxílio Brasil program, has already made available the payment schedule for the month of December. According to the institution, families who already received the Bolsa Família and have updated data in the Federal Government's Single Registry (CadÚnico) do not need to make any new registry to receive the amounts.

Beneficiaries will be able to consult information about payment dates, the benefit amount and the composition of the installments in two applications: Auxílio Brasil, developed for the social program, and the Caixa Tem application, used to monitor the bank's digital savings accounts.

The receipt calendar follows the pattern of the old Bolsa Família, and uses the last digit of the NIS to define the credit date. Check out the updated table below:

NIS final 1 December 10th
NIS final 2 December 13th
NIS final 3 December 14th
NIS final 4 December 15th
NIS final 5 December 16th
NIS final 6 December 17th
NIS final 7 December 20
NIS final 8 December 21
NIS final 9 December 22nd
NIS final 0 December 23

Caixa also informs that beneficiaries who use the Bolsa Família application will have to update the program, which will automatically switch to Auxílio Brasil.

Agência Brasil has prepared a guide with the main guidelines and questions about Auxílio Brasil.

Know more:
» Agência Brasil explains: how Auxílio Brasil will work

For those who have not yet registered with the federal government's profile bank for social programs, find out how to participate in the CadÚnico guide.

Know more:
» Agência Brasil explains: find out how to make the CadÚnico

Text translated using artificial intelligence.