ANP opens the 3rd Cycle of the Permanent Offer under concession regime
The Special Tender Committee (CEL), in a meeting held by videoconference yesterday (15), analyzed a declaration of interest presented by a company already registered in the Permanent Offer and decided to open a new cycle, the National Petroleum Agency reported today (16) , Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
This is the 3rd Cycle of the Permanent Offer, which will be carried out with areas under the concession regime, provided for in the current version of the Permanent Offer notice.
The sectors offered in this third cycle will be announced until February 16, 2022. The schedule is available in the CEL press release published today (December 16) in the Federal Official Gazette .
The other companies registered that are interested in participating in the 3rd Cycle will have until February 3, 2022 to present a declaration of sectors of interest, accompanied by offer guarantees. Those who are not registered yet and who are interested in participating in the third cycle, can register until the 27th of this month.
The public session for the presentation of offers for the 3rd Cycle of the Permanent Offer is scheduled for April 13, 2022.
According to the ANP, there are 69 companies registered in the Permanent Offer under the concession regime. The complete list can be consulted by accessing the website .
Permanent Offer
The Permanent Offer consists of the continuous offer of exploratory blocks and areas with marginal accumulations located in any land or maritime basins returned or in the process of being returned to the ANP.
Under this modality, registered bidders may express interest in any blocks or areas, as long as they present declarations of sectors of interest, accompanied by a guarantee of offer, under the terms of the current notice. Once one or more declarations are presented, and all documentation is approved, the Permanent Offer CEL publishes a schedule for carrying out a cycle for the submission of offers.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.