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IBGE opens registration for selection of 207 thousand workers for the Census

Applications will be made online
Vitor Abdala - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 15/12/2021 - 07:37
Rio de Janeiro
O IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) faz primeiro teste preparatório do Censo Demográfico 2022, na Ilha de Paquetá, no Rio de Janeiro.
© Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) published today (15), in the Official Gazette of the Union, the notice for selection of census takers and census agents for the 2022 Demographic Census. There will be 206,891 temporary vacancies throughout the country.

Before this notice, IBGE had already opened two selective processes, which were canceled due to postponements of the census. The first cancellation was in March 2020 and the second in October this year.

Of the vacancies, 183,021 will be for census takers, 18,420 for supervisory census agents and 5,450 for municipal census agents. Registration will open at 4 pm today (15) and end at 4 pm on December 29 this year.

Enrollments will be made on the FGV Knowledge website , where information about the competitions can also be found.


The census takers, who are responsible for applying the Census questionnaire in households, will have a variable salary according to production. The recommended weekly workload is 25 hours. The registration fee costs R$57.50.

The supervising census agents supervise the work of the enumerators. They have a weekly workload of 40 hours and a salary of R$1,700.

The municipal census agents, on the other hand, are responsible for ensuring coverage of their territorial area, compliance with deadlines and the quality of the information collected. The workload is 40 hours and the salary is R$ 2,100. The registration fee for both positions is R$60.50.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.