Brazilian small businesses generate 72% of job vacancies in first half

Micro and small companies created 961 thousand jobs in the period

Published on 05/08/2022 - 10:44 By Wellton Máximo – Repórter da Agência Brasil - Brasília
Updated in 05/08/2022 - 11:18

Brazilian micro and small enterprises played an important role in the creation of formal jobs in the first half of the year. Out of the approximately 1.33 million formal jobs created in Brazil from January to June, 961,200 - 72.1 percent of the total - originated in small businesses, a survey carried out by the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae) reads.

The performance of such companies is much higher than that of medium and large ones, which opened 279,100 job vacancies in the first six months of 2022.

In June alone, smaller businesses were responsible for opening 63.6 percent of formal jobs in the month, with 176,800 out of a total of 277,900 jobs created last month. Medium and large companies generated 73.9 thousand jobs (26.6% of the total).


Regarding the economy by sectors, small businesses registered a positive balance in the creation of jobs in all segments, since the beginning of the year. The highlight among micro and small companies is the service sector, which generated 533 thousand jobs. In June alone, the segment opened 78 thousand jobs.

Construction and the manufacturing industry appear in second and third positions, with 168.8 thousand and 126.3 thousand jobs generated, respectively. In commerce, micro and small enterprises created 90,600 jobs from January to June. Medium and large companies, on the other hand, closed 42,800 jobs in this period.

Translation: Mário Nunes -  Edition: Kleber Sampaio

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