Family Allowance Program releases first additional quota of BRL 150

The extra benefit is for children up to six years old

Published on 20/03/2023 - 10:10 By Agencia Brasil - Brasília - Agencia Brasil - Brasília

Brazil’s state-owned bank Caixa Econômica Federal starts paying out this Monday (Mar. 20) the March allowance of BRL 600 of the Bolsa Família income transfer program and the first additional quota of BRL 150 per child up to 6 years old.

According to the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, the federal government's BRL 14 billion cash transfer program will reach 21.1 million families this month. With the update of the so-called Single Registry for the country’s Social Programs (CadÚnico), which mainly eliminated families consisting of a single person, 1.48 million beneficiaries were excluded from Bolsa Família, and 694,200 families were included, of which 335,700 with children up to 6 years old.

The registry has been carefully revised to eliminate fraud in the program. In June, the extra BRL 50 per pregnant woman, per child aged 7 to 12, and per teenager aged 12 to 18 will start to be released monthly.

Bolsa Família allowance is paid out in the last ten working days of each month.

Translation: Mário Nunes -  Edition: Graça Adjuto

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