Brazil: Petrobras to expand gas production in Northeast

Petrobras is set to boost natural gas production in Brazil's Northeast region by initiating the contracting process for the chartering of two platform ships for the Sergipe Deep Waters project in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, located about 100 km off the coast.
The Sergipe Deepwater project is particularly noteworthy for its substantial reserves, which have the potential to enhance Brazil's natural gas supply and decrease the nation's reliance on imported resources, Petrobras CEO Jean-Paul Prates said.
According to Prates, “Another advantage of natural gas is that it is a crucial fuel for the ongoing energy transition, not only for its versatility of application, serving as a reliable source of energy for diverse industries, and its predictability of delivery, but above all, for its efficiency in reducing emissions.”
The deployment of FPSO (floating production, storage, and oil transfer system) units is a strategic move to increase natural gas production, with each platform capable of processing up to 120,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). The region's light crude oil, considered of good quality with an API density between 38 and 41 degrees, commands a higher commercial value. Together, these two units have the potential to generate up to 18 million cubic meters of gas per day, significantly boosting the supply of natural gas.