Tourism likely to raise BRL 9 bi during Carnival

This year’s Carnival in Brazil is expected to bring in BRL 9 billion—up 10 percent from last year’s figure. The estimate was released Monday (Jan. 29) by the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services, and Tourism (CNC). The organization added that, considering the recovery observed for the fourth year in a row, it is the first time the turnover should exceed pre-pandemic levels.
CNC head Roberto Tadros noted that the figures for tourism indicate that activity has improved both nationally and regionally in recent years. “The effect of Carnival as an isolated event contributes significantly to the overall economic recovery,” he pointed out in his statement.
Under tourism, Minas Gerais (20.2%), Paraná (14.5%) and Rio Grande do Sul (12.2%) lead the growth projections among the states. In the opinion of CNC’s chief economist Felipe Tavares, the growth trend should continue into 2024.
“The professionalization of tourism in recent years, in addition to the greater demand for these services, explains the rise of less traditional destinations for tourists looking to take advantage of this period not just for the big Carnival parties,” he argued.