Food number-one industry for jobs in Brazil

Also high-ranking were clothing and metal product manufacturing

Published on 27/06/2024 - 15:20 By Ana Cristina Campos - Rio de Janeiro

The sector with the largest number of people employed in Brazilian industry is food manufacturing, with 22.8 percent of the total of 8.3 million people employed in domestic industry in 2022. The data were released Thursday (Jun. 27) by statistics bureau IBGE.

The clothing and accessories industry, with seven percent, and the manufacture of metal products (machinery and equipment not included), with 5.9, were the other segments with the greatest share in the number of Brazilians employed.

In 2022, the number of industrial companies with one or more employees totaled 346,100, encompassing a total of 8.3 million people. These businesses generated net sales revenue of BRL 6.7 trillion.

The survey recorded 8.3 million people employed in 2022, with the majority working in the manufacturing sector (97.3%). This percentage remained stable compared to 2013, when 97.5 percent of the workforce was employed in manufacturing and 2.5 percent in mining.

Translation: Fabrício Ferreira -  Edition: Aécio Amado

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