Petrobras discovers new oil layer in the pre‑salt Santos basin

Brazil’s state-run oil giant Petrobras has confirmed the discovery of a new layer of oil below the main reservoir of the Búzios field, in the pre-salt Santos basin. The volume was identified 5,600 meters deep.
“The Búzios Shared Reservoir Consortium—formed by Petrobras as operator (88.98 % stake), in partnership with CNOOC (7.34%) and CNPC (3.67%), with Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) as manager—will continue to analyze results in order to continue activities in the area,” a statement by the company reads.
Annual production
The average annual yield of oil and natural gas in 2024 was reported at 4.322 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Of these, 3.358 million barrels of oil were produced per day.
Around 78 percent of this output came from reservoirs in the pre-salt layer, a formation located 1 thousand to 6 thousand meters below sea level.
The Búzios field is regarded as the world’s largest in ultra-deep waters and is located 189km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. It has been operating with large-scale production since March 2015, and reached 1 billion barrels of oil in March 2024.
According to Brazil’s oil authority ANP, production from the Búzios field increased 2.40 percent in 2024 from 2023, accounting for 19.53 percent of offshore production.