Inep publishes list of regular students on Enade

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released the list of those who are in good standing in the National Student Performance Examination (Enade) 2021. This examination, used as an instrument for evaluating higher education in Brazil, attests to compliance of the curricular component provided for by law and allows for a degree.
Course coordinators and educational institutional proxies can access student names through the Enade System. According to Inep, applicants who did not attend the test application can regularize their situation to graduate by requesting exemption from the test, between December 16th of this year and January 21st, 2022, in the Enade System.
To access the system, click here .
"The request [for exemption from the test] must be made by the student or by the higher education institution, depending on the reason for the absence, as provided for in annexes II and III of the ENADE 2021 notice", informed Inep. The analysis and deliberation of waiver requests begins today (16) and ends on January 25th. It is up to the course coordinator to analyze the requests for dismissal from students and Inep to verify the requests made by the institutions.
Each year, a different group of courses is evaluated. Due to the pandemic, Enade 2020 was postponed, and the courses that would be evaluated last year ended up being analyzed this year. Therefore, in 2021, students, newcomers and graduates of bachelor's degrees belonging to the areas of Computer Science, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, Design and Education were evaluated.
Among the degrees, the targets will be courses in Visual Arts, Computer Science, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, Physical Education, Philosophy, Physics, Geography, History, Languages/Portuguese, Languages/English, Mathematics, Music, Pedagogy and Chemistry.
Also included are students from higher education technology courses in systems analysis and development, information technology management technology, and computer network technology.
Enrollment in the exam is mandatory for freshmen and qualified graduates of bachelor's degree courses, superiors in technology and licentiate degrees linked to the edition's assessment areas. The student's regularity status is recorded in his/her academic record by the higher education institution to which he/she is affiliated.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.