Últimas notícias Inep

Exposição Sonhei em português!, com curadoria de Isa Grinspum Ferraz, no Museu da Língua Portuguesa.

Registration for Portuguese proficiency exam ends this Friday (24)

Those interested in obtaining the certificate will have until next Monday to pay the fee of R$ 247.58, for application positions in Brazil; and US$ 115, for positions abroad.

Edifício sede do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP).

Education in Brazil: distance learning grows 474% in a decade

The data, which reflect the expansion of distance learning in Brazil, are part of the results of the Higher Education Census 2021, released today by Inep and MEC.

Edifício sede do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP).

Inep publishes list of regular students on Enade

Enade, used as an instrument for evaluating Brazilian higher education, attests to compliance with the curricular component provided for by law and allows for graduation.

Candidatos chegam para o primeiro dia de provas do ENEM 2021 em Brasília

Anyone who asked for Enem 2021 to be reapplied can now see the result

To find out if the request was approved, just consult the Participant's Page. According to Inep, those who have passed will have the possibility to participate in the tests on a new date: January 9th and 16th, 2022.

Médicos chegam ao local de prova para a segunda etapa do Exame Nacional de Revalidação de Diplomas Médicos Expedidos por Instituição de Educação Superior Estrangeira (Revalida) 2020, em Brasília.

Revalida will follow the covid-19 prevention protocol, says Inep

According to Inep, the use of a mask will be mandatory at the test application site. The second stage of the exam will take place this Saturday and Sunday, in 22 cities across the country.