Inep and Education take stock of Enem 2021

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), makes today (29) the balance of activities related to the application of Enem 2021. be presented the abstention numbers, both in the face-to-face and digital versions, in addition to the number of complications, such as lack of light or failures in the application of tests, and the balance of police occurrences, such as fraud attempts in the exam.
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Enem 2021: 2nd day of tests had low police report
The balance of police actions on the second day of tests of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem), held this Sunday (28), registered a low number of occurrences; none of them serious.
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Student with infectious disease may request re-application of Enem
Participants who showed symptoms of any of the infectious diseases such as covid-19 and did not attend the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) can now request a reapplication through the Participant's Page. The deadline starts this Monday (29) and runs until December 3rd.
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Students talk about second day of Enem exams
Eager to enter higher education, students from all over the country participated this Sunday (28) in the second day of the application of tests of the National High School Examination (Enem). The areas of knowledge evaluated in the event were Mathematics and Natural Sciences - which comprise the disciplines of Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
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*Subject under update.
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