Últimas notícias enem 2021

Candidatos chegam para o primeiro dia de provas do ENEM 2021 em Brasília

Anyone who asked for Enem 2021 to be reapplied can now see the result

To find out if the request was approved, just consult the Participant's Page. According to Inep, those who have passed will have the possibility to participate in the tests on a new date: January 9th and 16th, 2022.

Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio,Enem

Deadline for requesting Enem reapplication ends today

Requests can be made until 23:59, on the Participant's Page, by those who failed to take the exam due to an infectious disease, logistical or infrastructure problem.

Participantes do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) 2021 fazem, neste domingo (28), segundo dia de avaliação, provas de matemática e de ciência da natureza.

Deadline for requesting replication of Enem ends this Friday

Those who did not attend can request replication because they have symptoms of infectious diseases and in cases of logistical and infrastructure problems.

Participantes do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) 2021 fazem, neste domingo (28), segundo dia de avaliação, provas de matemática e de ciência da natureza.

Enem results will be released on February 11

According to Inep, Enem results will come out on February 11th. And the deadline for those who were unable to attend the examination sites to ask for the test to be reapplied is now open.