Enem 2021: 2nd day of tests had low police report

The balance of police actions on the second day of tests of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem), held this Sunday (28), registered a low number of occurrences; none of them serious.
According to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), there were two attempts to use electronic point, four arrest warrants, seven arrests, in addition to 72 cases of disturbance of public peace.
Through the Secretariat for Integrated Operations (Seopi), the MJSP was responsible for coordinating and integrating the federal and state public security forces that worked to secure the realization of the Enem.
According to the ministry, the test was applied in about 1,700 municipalities and the agents policed the exam sites, transport and storage of evidence, investigation of possible fraud, and patrolling the access roads to schools. About 3,400 escorts were carried out on this second day of Enem.
All actions were monitored at the Integrated Center for National Command and Control, in Brasília, where the ministry concentrated the coordination of public security in carrying out the Enem throughout Brazil.
* With information from MJSP.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.