Students talk about second day of Enem exams

Eager to enter higher education, students from all over the country participated today (28) in the second day of the application of exams for the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem). The areas of knowledge evaluated in the event were Mathematics and Natural Sciences - which comprise the disciplines of Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Giovana Nogueira de Jesus, 22, said in an interview with TV Brasil that she found the first stage of the exam, held last Sunday, to be calm. “What we study never falls. I'm not prepared, but I'm thinking positive that everything will work out. I'm very calm. I want to graduate in law and be a delegate in a military career”, she said.
Gabriele Souza da Silva, 16, said she doesn't feel pressured to participate for the first time in Enem. On the first day of exams, the student from São Paulo stated that she did not know much about the subject of writing. “I thought the topic of writing was important, but it's not a much talked about issue, so I didn't really know what to write”. The student said that arriving early for the second day of the Enem was one of the strategies she found to keep calm with the exact subjects, which she says she doesn't have “a lot of affinity”.
Gabriela Cattan, also 16 years old, took the Enem to train. “I started with biology, which I found to be the easiest part these days. But the rest I found very complicated”, he reported.
For Gabriela, the physics questions were the most demanding part of the content. “Now I know how it works and how to deal with it. I think next year will be easier.”
João Vitor Honório Marins, 15, remembers an issue that involved calculating the average age of students. According to the student, the need for study goes far beyond what he had initially thought. “I only understood a few issues. In mathematics myself, I knew practically nothing”, he explained.
José Vitor Brasileiro da Silva, 17, thinks he did well in the exact test. “I did it for the questions I found easier. I managed to solve it and I was happy with my performance. In physics, I was a little lower”, he reported.
On social networks, those registered for the exam shared memes and, in most posts, they also reported difficulties with the required content.
There were also isolated reports of difficulties in certain test application rooms, but the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) has not yet commented on the exact number of occurrences during the application of the tests.
Soon, at 7:30 pm, Agência Brasil and TV Brasil broadcast Caiu no Enem , which will show the resolution of the main questions of the 2021 edition of the exam. Check out the edition of the first day of tests .
*Reporters Glauco Queiroz and Dimas Soldi, from TV Brasil collaborated.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.