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Traffic-related accidents and deaths down in 2014

Traffic-related deaths fell 2.4% from 2013
Agência Brasil
Published on 09/02/2015 - 18:14
Dos 52 mil quilômetros de rodovias federais analisados, 4,8 mil não estão cobertos por contratos de manutenção.
© José Cruz/Agência Brasil
Brasilia - Movimento de saída para o feriado de carnaval tranquilo no Aeroporto JK e rodovias do Distrito Federal(José Cruz/Agência Brasil)

The amount of cases declined by 9.6%—from 186,698 in 2013 to 168,593 last year.José Cruz/Agência Brasil

The number of road accidents in the country in 2014 fell in comparison with 2013, according to data released today (Feb 9) by the Federal Highway Police. The amount of cases declined by 9.6%—from 186,698 in 2013 to 168,593 last year.

In cases resulting in death where the accident took place, the reduction observed stands at 2.3%. Accidents resulting in injury, in turn, were seen to fall by 3.2%. In absolute figures, 8,227 fatalities were registered in 2014, compared to 8,425 in the previous year. Injury only amounted to 100,396, against 2013's 103,752.

The survey further reveals that most crashes were linked to non-compliance with traffic laws. Of all fatal cases, for instance, distraction corresponds to 32%, and speeding accounts for 20%. Running red lights the cause of 12%.

Drivers, cyclists included, were the victim in 57% of the deadly cases, most of whom aged 25 to 38. Passengers and pedestrians totaled 43% of those killed.

Accidents occurred more often in urban areas: 53%. Seventy percent of deaths, however, took place in rural regions.

Figures also indicate an increase in the number of vehicles in circulation in Brazil—a little over 80 million in 2013, up to 86.7 million in 2014.

Translated by Fabrício Ferreira

Fonte: Traffic-related accidents and deaths down in 2014