Peasant protesters occupy Ministry of Cities

Members of a number of rural social movements have been occupying the Ministry of Cities building since 6 am this morning (Oct. 20).
Members of a number of rural social movements have been occupying the Ministry of Cities building since 6 am this morning (Oct. 20). They said they are not leaving until the government agrees to talk to them.
The protesters are demanding that the government resume actions in the rural counterpart of the Minha Casa Minha Vida affordable housing program—according to the movement, there is a shortage of 35,000 housing units in Brazil's countryside—and increase the amount of government incentives to renovate and expand rural homes.
“There are over six rural [social] movements standing up together for their rights,” said a member of the national coordination of the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST), Alexandre Conceição.
He estimates that about 1,500 people are participating in the protest, led by the MST, the National Confederation of Agricultural Workers (CONTAG) and the Peasant People's Movement (MCP).
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Peasant protesters occupy Ministry of Cities