Lula stresses significance of COP30 in Pará

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Friday (Feb. 14) attended the ceremony announcing federal government investments in Belém, state capital of Pará, in North Brazil, where the 30th United Nations Conference on Climate Change—COP30—will take place. He visited the construction site of the Parque da Cidade, which will host the conference in November.
“A lot of people thought it was crazy to hold the COP in Pará. I came here to do an inspection. And I’m satisfied with the things I’ve seen here, for a very simple reason—it’s not easy to make a decision to hold an event of the magnitude of a COP in the state of Pará or any other state other than São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro,” the president said.
The Parque da Cidade will have an area of 500 thousand square meters, as well as a 50-hectare landscaped area to welcome the 60 thousand delegates from the 193 countries during the conference. A total of BRL 980 million has been invested in the park’s infrastructure and 74 percent of the work has been completed.
The resources to prepare Belém as the host city for COP30 have been estimated at BRL 5 billion. Over 30 urban development, mobility, and sanitation projects have been carried out.
The ceremony also marked the start of work to expand the airports in Santarém, Marabá, Carajás, and Altamira. According to the Ministry of Ports and Airports, over BRL 1 billion is being invested in the aviation sector in Pará.