New Year's lottery, the ultimate hope of becoming a millionaire

The dream of becoming a millionaire on the last day of the year lives on in the minds of hopeful gamblers
Looking for a life change, gamblers flock to lottery shops ahead of the draw for New Year's lottery, known as the Mega-Sena da Virada (or Mega da Virada for short) and dream of winning the $71.7 million jackpot. Family member birthdays, lucky numbers, wedding anniversaries—anything goes for better odds of hitting the six numbers and becoming the latest millionaire of 2015.
Civil servant Ana Maria Hubinger is relying on statistics to take a slice of the prize. She is in a betting pool consisting of 120 $89.60 stakes arranged by computer-savvy friends. In total, the group has paid over $10,200 worth of bets. They checked which numbers are drawn most and least often and left out unlikely combinations.
“This pool seemed to be worth joining—I know there are a lot of people in, but I really think we could win. And even if I were to get only a slice of it, it would still be worth—it's a lot of money after all.” Hubinger says she would spare part of the money for investment and use some of it for travel, health and beauty, and even donations.
Administrative assistant Leonardo Soares shares the dream of becoming rich with the Mega da Virada. His strategy was teaming up with eight family members and having each suggest a random number. “I want to go on vacation for a couple of years, then start a business—only I wouldn't know what kind of business at this time,” he said hopefully.
Queuing at the lottery shop, Maria Helena da Silva said she has chosen not to split her bet. She placed nine bets on her own and says she will quit work if she wins. “I'd be a millionaire, why would I work? I want to help the kids in Africa and all people in need,” she said.
The prize will not roll over. In case no one picks all six winning numbers, the prize will all be split up among gamblers who get five numbers right (quina).
The lowest ticket price is $0.90, and the odds that a gambler will hit the six numbers is one in 50 million. The draws for Mega da Virada began in 2009, with two winners splitting $37 million.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: New Year's lottery, the ultimate hope of becoming a millionaire