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Over 500 women have reported sexual abuse by psychic João de Deus

He was taken to a prison complex in Goiás state
Agência Brasil
Published on 18/12/2018 - 15:24
Movimentação na Casa de Dom Inácio, onde o médium João de Deus realiza atendimentos e cirurgias espirituais.
© Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

The task force assembled by prosecutors in Goiás to probe into the sexual abuse allegations targeting psychic João Teixeira de Faria, known as João de Deus, has received 507 accounts from women on sexual crimes involving the medium up to now. Since the group was created one week ago, the number of accusations has skyrocketed.

Head police commissioner in Goiás André Fernandes confirmed that the arrest order against João de Deus was based on 15 allegations, now made formal with the authorities. The women were heard separately and described similar behavior patterns exhibited by the spiritual leader.

Investigators believe there could be victims in 17 Brazilian states. There are also suspected victims in Germany, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, the US, and Switzerland. Victims can report through e-mail at denuncias@mpgo.mp.br.

The task force was formed by Goiás Prosecutor-General Benedito Torres Neto, and comprises six prosecutors and two psychologists from the Prosecution Service.

Six days ago, Neto also requested authorities from other states to install units for hearing testimonies from potential victims across the country.

Habeas corpus

João de Deus’s counsel expects the authorities in Goiás to rule on the habeas corpus request to turn his indefinite temporary detention into house arrest with bracelet use. His lawyer mention his age and poor health state.