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INSS publishes benefit payment schedule in 2021

Most of the benefits will be paid according to the card number
Wellton Máximo – Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 02/12/2020 - 18:51
Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS),Secretaria Especial de Previdência e Trabalho do Ministério da Economia,Previdência Social
© Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

As of today (2), more than 35 million beneficiaries of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) can check the date of payment of retirement, benefits and pensions in 2021. The autarchy has released the deposit schedule for the entire next year .

The deposits will follow the sequence of previous years, with a calendar for those who receive a minimum wage and another for those who earn more. For each category, payment dates will be determined by the final card number, not counting the check digit (which follows the dash).

This calendar covers most of the 35 million policyholders. Former beneficiaries who receive out of sequence of card number will continue to be paid on the current date.

Retirement, pension or support for January will be deposited from January 25th to February 5th for those earning minimum wage. Policyholders with income above this amount will receive from February 1st to 5th.

Calendário de pagamento de benefícios de 2021
2021 Benefit Payment Schedule - National Institute of Social Security - INSS

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