Amazon 1 successfully reaches orbit and starts data transmission

In just 17 minutes after launching, which took place at 1:54 am (GMT), the Amazonia 1 satellite reached its destination at 752 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The launch took place from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in the city of Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh province, India, and marked two technological advances in the country: the complete mastery of a satellite's development cycle - knowledge mastered by just twenty countries in the world - and the Multimission Platform (PMM) flight validation, which works as an adaptable modular system that can be configured in different ways to fulfill different objectives. This statement was made by Mônica Rocha, deputy director of the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe).
The launch of the satellite - the result of a partnership between the Brazilian space program and India - was celebrated this morning (28) by technicians, engineers and other members of the equipment's technological development team.
The minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes, followed directly from the mission control center in India, and made a point of reaffirming the partnership between the two countries. “This moment represents the culmination of this effort [to develop the project], made by so many people. This satellite has a very important mission for Brazil. This partnership [between Brazil and India] will grow a lot. So, thank you so much for the beautiful launch, beautiful rocket and for all the effort. The flags [of India and Brazil] represent exactly what we are doing here today: an increasingly stronger relationship”, the minister said to the Indian team after the announcement of the success of the mission.
“I am extremely pleased to declare the successful launch of Amazonia 1 today. In this mission, India and the ISRO [Indian space agency] are extremely honored and happy to launch the first satellite operated by Brazil. My sincere congratulations to the Brazilian team for this achievement. The satellite is in orbit, the solar panels have opened and everything is working very well," said ISRO President K. Sivan at the end of the operation.
Listen on the National Radio Agency
TV Brasil followed all stages of the launch in a special program with interviews, comments and trivia about Amazonia 1 and the new stage of the Brazilian space program.
Amazonia 1 was developed by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in partnership with the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) - bodies linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
See the full release:
Follow the launch of the Amazonia 1 satellite#AoVivo Follow the launch of Amazonia 1 with TV Brasil, an Earth observation satellite designed, integrated, tested and operated by Brazil. The launch takes place from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in India. Join the broadcast using #BrasilnoEspaço! Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations Brazilian Space Agency - AEB National Institute for Space Research
Published by Agência Brasil on Saturday, February 27, 2021
Amazonia 1 was put into orbit by the PSLV-C51 mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Indian space agency. With six kilometers of wires and 14,000 electrical connections, the purpose of the satellite is to provide remote sensing data to observe and monitor deforestation, especially in the Amazon region, in addition to monitoring agriculture in the country.
Internet users and viewers were able to participate with questions and comments using the hashtag #BrasilNoEspaço .
In an exclusive interview to Rádio Nacional , the president of the Brazilian Space Agency, Carlos Moura, who is accompanying the delegation in India, said that the moment is one of expectations and also of projection for Brazil.
Amazon Mission and Multimission Platform
The Amazonia Mission intends to launch, on a date to be defined, two more remote sensing satellites: the Amazonia 1B and the Amazonia 2. “The Amazonia series satellites will consist of two independent modules: a service module - which is the Multimission Platform (PMM) - and a payload module, which houses cameras and equipment for recording and transmitting image data", details Inpe.
In addition to helping to monitor the environment, the mission will help validate the Multimission Platform as a modular basis for different types of satellites. This platform represents, according to Inpe, "a modern concept of satellite architecture, which aims to bring together in a single platform all the equipment that perform functions necessary for the survival of a satellite, regardless of the type of orbit."
Among the functions performed by the platform are power generation, thermal control, data management and service telecommunication - which will enable adaptation to different payloads, in addition to reducing costs and deadlines in the development of new missions.
“This global competence in systems engineering and project management places the country on a new scientific and technological level for space missions. After the launch of the Amazonia 1 satellite and the PMM's in-flight validation, Brazil will have mastered the life cycle of manufacturing space systems for satellites stabilized in three axes”, informs Inpe.
Among the technological gains that the mission should yield to the country, Inpe highlights, in addition to the validation of the PMM, the consolidation of knowledge of the country in the complete cycle of satellite development; the development of the national industry of solar panel opening mechanisms, the development of the propulsion of the attitude and orbit control subsystem in the national industry and the consolidation of knowledge in the campaign to launch more complex satellites.
*Subject updated at 4:50 am to add information.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.