Bienal do Livro hopes to receive around 90,000 students in Rio
To encourage the habit of reading, the 20th Edition of the Bienal do Livro hopes to receive around 90,000 students from public and private schools by the end of the event, on Sunday (12), in Riocentro, in the west side of Rio de Janeiro.
According to the organizers, the School Visitation project aims to bring children and young people closer to the universe of books, stimulating creativity, imagination and critical thinking. In this 20th edition, half of the places are reserved for students from the Municipal Education Department of Rio. The project is exclusively intended for students and their companions from the teaching units.
Enrollments for the School Visitation are made by public and private educational institutions on the Bienal do Livro website . To register, you must have the following school information: complete address with zip code and the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ).
To accompany the class, the organizers of the Bienal indicate that the educational institution should highlight four teachers and/or guardians for each group of 40 students. The other teachers will have free access. All you need to do is register and submit the necessary documentation.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.