Exports of defense products total US$1.57 billion by November

Exports from the Brazilian Defense Industrial Base (IDB) reached US$ 1.575 billion, this year, through November, a record result. The information comes from the Ministry of Defense, which expects to close the year with US$ 2 billion in exports. In 2020, exports reached US$ 777.1 million.
The national defense sector has 146 companies registered with the Ministry of Defense. The Brazilian portfolio comprises aircraft, vessels, cybernetic tools for data protection, radar, secure communication and weapons systems, among other high-tech items.
According to the ministry, the defense and security sector currently generates 2.9 million jobs in Brazil, of which 1.6 million are direct and 1.3 million are indirect.
According to a study carried out this year by the Federation of Economic Research Institute (Fipe) with the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the participation of the Defense Industrial Base in the national GDP grew more than 8% in the 2019-2020 biennium compared to 2018, representing , currently, 4.78% of the national GDP. According to the study, the IDB's growth rate in 2020 surpassed that of traditional sectors of the Brazilian economy such as civil construction, agriculture and oil extraction.
According to Defense Minister Braga Netto, strengthening the Brazilian IDB is a priority for the ministry and an important vector for the recovery of the Brazilian economy during the covid-19 pandemic period.
“The results show that we are on the right path. The Brazilian Defense Industrial Base has been developing solidly, with product diversification, and shows full capacity to develop the strategic projects of the Armed Forces, so that they can adequately fulfill their constitutional missions", stated Braga Netto, during the realization of the panel Defense Industrial Base: Protection, development and job creation, promoted by the Ministry of Defense.
The event is part of the program of the BID Brasil 2021 exhibition, promoted by the Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Materials Industries (Abimde), from December 7th to 9th, at the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center, in Brasília.
* With information from the Ministry of Defense
Text translated using artificial intelligence.