Gov.Br gives access to public services of the Chamber of Deputies
The public services of the Chamber of Deputies are now accessed through the Gov.Br platform. Now, services such as Legislative Surveys and Help to Write the Law , for example, can be used by users when logging into Gov.Br on their computer, notebook or cell phone, with a single login and password.
Gov.Br brings together 4.8 thousand federal government services - 72% are entirely digital. There are 117 million registered users across the country.
According to the Special Secretariat for Debureaucratization, Management and Digital Government of the Ministry of Economy, some examples of services with massive impact are the digital Work and Traffic cards, request for retirement by contribution time and proof of life from the National Social Security Institute (INSS).
States and Municipalities
Gov.Br has integrated the public services of 13 federative units and 302 municipalities to the platform. The Digital Government Strategy 2020-2022 even foresees the impetus for the digital transformation of other federated entities.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.