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Minas, Paraná and Rio will have a post office scrap auction in December

About 200 thousand objects that were not withdrawn will be offered
Agência Brasil
Published on 09/12/2021 - 18:04
 Movimento no Centro de Tratamento de Encomendas dos Correios, em Benfica
© Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Correios announced today (9) a new round of broke auctions in December. According to the Consumer Defense Code, objects that were not sought after by the recipient after successive delivery attempts and that have missed the deadline for claiming at the Post Office are considered as refuse.

According to the company, the approximately 200 thousand items will be divided into 32 lots, being distributed in the three states where the competitions will take place: 12 lots in Minas Gerais, 10 lots in Paraná and 10 lots in Rio de Janeiro.

Among the objects that will be offered are clothes, household utensils, electronics in general, computers and microcomputer components, vehicle accessories, jewelry, books and toys.

In a note, Correios informed that the initial bid value of the lots varies between BRL 72 to BRL 143,219.16.

To be able to bid at auctions, interested parties must first register on Banco do Brasil's dedicated platform, Licitações-e. After registration, both individuals and companies can submit bids during the dispute, which is held online.

Correios maintains a page listing available items which can be checked here . For face-to-face visitation, the lots are available at:

Local visiting hours auction day
Post Office Operational Center, Rua Boaventura, 401, 2nd floor; Indaiá, Belo Horizonte (MG) Visits until 9/12, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 2 pm to 4 pm. Appointments by phone (31) 3431-0621 December 10th
Post office building in Paraná, Rua João Negrão, 1251, ground floor; Rebouças, Curitiba (PR) Visits until 12/10, from 8 am to 11:30 am and from 2 pm to 4 pm. Appointments by phone (41) 3310-2222 December 15th
Post office building in Rio de Janeiro, Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 58, 1st basement; Cidade Nova, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Visits until 12/10, from 9 am to 4 pm. Appointments by phone (21) 2503-8641 and (21) 2503-8607 December 13th

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