Últimas notícias Correios

Cultivo de plantas em casa

Mercosur: Fauna and Flora series stamps released in Brazil

The 14th special seal announced highlights the relevance and beauty of succulents, plants capable of accumulating water in the stem, leaves and even roots.

 Movimento no Centro de Tratamento de Encomendas dos Correios, em Benfica

Minas, Paraná and Rio will have a post office scrap auction in December

In December, Correios held a new round of auctions for broke - objects that were not removed in time and could not be delivered to recipients. Check the dates.

Correios fazem entregas de pedidos online em todo país

Posts receive 18.9 million parcels on Black Friday 2021

18.9 million orders were posted on Black Friday this year. Post Office Balance, covering up to the last Friday, shows a volume 42% higher than last year.

Participantes do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) 2021 fazem, neste domingo (28), segundo dia de avaliação, provas de matemática e de ciência da natureza.

Enem results will be released on February 11

According to Inep, Enem results will come out on February 11th. And the deadline for those who were unable to attend the examination sites to ask for the test to be reapplied is now open.


Brazil’s postal services rank first in Latin America and Caribbean

Brazil heads the ranking of postal services of Latin American and Caribbean nations, and occupies the 44th position on the global list. The result can be found on the latest report by the Universal Postal Union (UPN), a specialized agency with the United Nations (UN).