PF arrests a man in Rio with 130 kg of cocaine paste

The Federal Police arrested today (8) a man, in the act, transporting 130 kilos (kg) of cocaine base paste inside a vehicle in Casimiro de Abreu, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro. In the same action, the police arrested, in Macaé, in the north of Rio de Janeiro, another man who had been acting as the gang's scout.
The drug was seized on BR 101, at the height of the Federal Highway Police post and was hidden under the driver's and passenger seats. The narcotic left the capital of Rio de Janeiro and was destined for the municipality of Macaé.
The drugs, vehicles and prisoners were taken to the Federal Police Station in Macaé for the formalization of the arrest in flagrante delicto. The two were sent to a state prison, where they will be available to the Federal Court, awaiting trial. The penalty for drug trafficking can reach 15 years in prison.
The operation also had the support of the Federal Highway Police and the 32nd Battalion of the Military Police, in Macaé.
Text translated using artificial intelligence.