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Task force works in Bahian cities affected by the rains

Military personnel from the Fire Department work in the rescue of
Agência Brasil *
Published on 11/12/2021 - 13:27

The government of Bahia continues with the mobilization to save lives, bring aid to communities and release access to highways affected by the storms. There are already 25 municipalities in emergency situation, according to the decrees ratified and published in the Official Gazette.

About 80 soldiers from the Fire Department, in addition to 37 students and instructors of rescue courses, work to rescue victims and support communities in the far south and other regions of the state. Food, water, medicines and other items are being taken as a priority to residents of 13 cities.

In the last few hours, the military checked the state of the bridge, in the municipality of Itamaraju, and also attended to occurrences of landslides in Várzea Alegre and Novo Prado, municipality of Prado. Pregnant women and people with comorbidities, especially those undergoing hemodialysis treatment, are priority care.

In Jucuruçu, with the help of the population, accesses were improvised for vehicles to distribute food baskets.

According to the Fire Department, the affected municipalities in the extreme south are: Eunápolis, Guaratinga, Itabela, Itamaraju, Itanhém, Jucuruçú, Medeiros Neto, Mucuri, Prado, Porto Seguro, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Teixeira de Freitas and Vereda. In the south they are: Mascote, Itacaré, Itabuna, Ilhéus, Canavieiras, Camacan and Belmonte. In other regions, it also has Apuarema, Conceição do Almeida, Caetanos, Encruzilhada, Ibicuí, Ipiaú, Itambé, Itaquara, Jequié and Macarani.

air reinforcement

The Air Group of the Military Police of Bahia (Graer) is also engaged in the task force in the southern and extreme southern regions of the state, carrying out actions to reduce the impact of the flood on the population. This Friday (10), Guardião 02 and 05 helicopters flew over the flooded areas to monitor the range of floods.

Highway access

The circulation of vehicles on km 10 of the BA-284, close to the access to the district of São Paulino, between the junction of the BR-101, in Itamaraju, and the district of Alho, is already fully authorized. The return of traffic at the site was allowed after the execution of emergency actions by the Secretariat of Infrastructure of Bahia (Seinfra), on Friday afternoon (10). The services for the restoration of the lane, which broke with the heavy rains in the extreme south of Bahia, are still being carried out on the highway.

At another point on the BA-284, actions to provide traffic conditions for the connection road between Itamaraju and the district of Alho were initiated by Seinfra's technical team this Saturday morning (11). Maintenance services at km 17, where the track also gave way due to the rainy season in the region, began after the arrival of equipment, such as excavators. Traffic at the site continues to be interrupted and will resume after the work is completed.

On BR-489, drivers using the stretch between Itamaraju and Prado should be careful. Traffic on km 02, 13 and 13 of the highway is still closed due to the break in the lane. Leaving from Prado, the equipment to carry out the requalification of the road is expected to be moved by the end of this Saturday afternoon. The work will start at km 15 and then continue towards km 13 and 02.

* With information from the Official Portal of the State of Bahia

Text translated using artificial intelligence.