Indigenous land to receive support from Brazil´s National Force

Military personnel will take care of the security of indigenous people

Published on 15/08/2022 - 12:58 By Agência Brasil - Brasília - Agência Brasil - Brasília

The use of the National Public Security Force to support the Federal Police in the Guarita Indigenous Territory, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, was authorized on Monday (Aug. 15), by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

The police officers will work to maintain public order, the safety of people, and the preservation of property. The task will be episodic and shall last 90 days, starting today. The number of troops to be made available will follow the planning defined by the ministry.

The Guarita Indigenous Territory is home to the largest contingent of the Kaingang population, with about 7 thousand people. It is located in southern Brazil and occupies part of the municipalities of Tenente Portela, Redentora, and Erval Seco.

Translation: Mário Nunes -  Edition: Aécio Amado

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