National Force to protect Apyterewa indigenous land

The Ministry of Justice and Public Safety authorized today (Sep. 2) the use of the National Force to support the National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI) in the Apyterewa indigenous land in the state of Pará.
The military force will act to preserve public order and the safety of people and property, on an episodic and planned basis, for 90 days, from September 2 until November 30, 2022.
The Apyterewa indigenous land, situated in the municipality of São Félix do Xingu, is home to the Parakanã people. The demarcation of this indigenous land was approved in 2007, even though it has been the target of invaders. This year, two decisions of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) put an end to the squatters' pretensions: in March, the court denied the request of the São Félix do Xingu municipal government to cancel the demarcation of the indigenous reservation. And in April, the court approved the Attorney General's Office`s request and definitively prohibited the permanence of non-indigenous people on indigenous land.