Federal control unit in indigenous village attacked by miners

A federal control unit located in Palimiú village, in the Yanomami indigenous territory, in Roraima state, was attacked by miners on Wednesday (Feb. 22), the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) informed. Therefore, Brazil’s Federal Police was requested to reinforce security in the area.
The attacked unit is in charge of hindering the entry of clandestine vessels in the territory and its operation started only two weeks ago. As reported by Ibama, armed miners broke through the blockade set up on the Uraricoera river and shot at Ibama agents who were controlling one of the vessels. The agents fired back. During the shooting, one of the miners, whose name was not made public, got wounded, and was arrested by the police. He was hospitalized until Thursday night (23).
The criminals were going down the river in seven high speed boats (12 meters long), loaded with cassiterite, a metal for which demand has increased. The shipment was identified by drones operated by Ibama inspectors. After the attack, the criminals fled.
Agents of the National Public Security Force, the Federal Highway Police, and Ibama are responsible for the security of the control unit. Last Monday (20), the unit began using a steel cable structure on the river and, since then, no boats have headed towards the mines, Ibama informed.
For Ibama’s head Rodrigo Agostinho, this is a planned criminal attack. "All those who try to break the blockade will be arrested. To put an end to illegal mining is a determination of President Lula," he added.
In May 2021, several raids were carried out by miners in Palimiú. They tried to invade the area using guns and gas bombs. The group of invaders even shot at Federal Police agents that were in the area to protect about 1,000 local Yanomami indigenous people.