A survey released Thursday (Feb. 15) by the Rio’s hotel union HotéisRIO shows that an average of 87 percent of hotel rooms were occupied during Carnival, from February 10 to 14.
Districts in the city’s South Zone were the most sought-after by domestic and foreign tourists. Botafogo/Flamengo led the way, with 90.73 percent, followed by Ipanema/Leblon, with 88.87 percent, Copacabana/Leme (87.84%), downtown (87.20%), and Barra/Recreio, in the west (83.38%).
In the view of union head Alfredo Lopes, the result confirms Rio de Janeiro’s high attractiveness. “Our city’s Carnival is a party of international standards, made up of the best things about the people of Rio: creativity, friendliness, and hospitality.”
According to Lopes, the effect of these factors is the large number of tourists that the hotel chain welcomes, who are “interested in enjoying this unique experience.”

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