Sixty bodies of Voepass crash victims identified

The plane crashed in São Paulo state with 62 people on board

Published on 15/08/2024 - 13:36 By Bruno Bocchini - São Paulo

São Paulo’s Forensic Medical Institute reported Wednesday evening (Aug. 14) that the bodies of 60 of the 62 victims of the crash of Voepass Linhas Aéreas flight 2283 have been identified. The plane collapsed in Vinhedo, São Paulo, last Friday (9), leaving no survivors.

Of the 60 bodies identified, 30 have been released to relatives. The identification work is being carried out by more than 40 doctors and members of the legal dentistry, anthropology, and radiology teams, with the support of the Ricardo Gumbleton Daunt Identification Institute.

Ecumenical ceremony

Voepass has organized an ecumenical ceremony Thursday (15), seven days after the accident. The ceremony will be held at the hotel where the victims’ relatives are staying, in the central region of the city, and is restricted to relatives and authorities.

Translation: Fabrício Ferreira -  Edition: Juliana Andrade

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