Amazon: Wildfires persist in 37 municipalities

Fires have also been recorded in the Pantanal and Cerrado biomes

Published on 02/09/2024 - 10:19 By Guilherme Jeronymo - Agência Brasil - São Paulo

A survey by the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) reveals ongoing wildfires across several of the country’s biomes, based on data collected from August 25 to 31. The survey indicates an increase in outbreaks in the Amazon, as well as persistent fires in the Pantanal and Cerrado.

In the Amazon, the situation is severe in 37 municipalities, which experienced over a thousand outbreaks in just one week. The cities of São Félix do Xingu and Altamira in the state of Pará have the highest number of active fires in the country, with 1,440 and 1,102 outbreaks, respectively.

On Tuesday (Aug. 27), the government of Pará declared a state of emergency in response to the fires across the state. The measure prohibits the use of fire to clear and manage areas throughout the state.


The Mato Grosso Military Fire Brigade reported battling 36 fires on Saturday (31). A fire in Sinop Forest Park was extinguished on Saturday morning after burning for two days. Fires have also been controlled in three other regions of the state, including the capital, Cuiabá, and in Environmental Protection areas. Additionally, fires are being monitored in the state's indigenous lands. Firefighters, along with the Armed Forces, are also working to manage fires near the border with Bolivia.

Alto Paraíso (GO) -  Queimadas em área de cerrado do município de Alto Paraíso . Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil
Nine municipalities in the Cerrado reported over 100 hotspots - Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil


The data reveal that at least nine municipalities in the Cerrado reported over 100 hotspots during the analyzed period. For instance, the town of Lagoa da Confusão in Tocantins recorded 282 hotspots, an increase of 163 from the previous week.

Other records

Fires were reported in northern São Paulo and western Minas Gerais, though with less intensity. In São Paulo, the Civil Defense reported seven outbreaks on Saturday (31). In the city of Osasco, the fire affected at least 20 shacks in one community, but no fatalities were reported.

Translation: Mario Nunes -  Edition: Carolina Pimentel

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