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Federal Police destroy illegal gold mines in the Amazon

Workers in slavery‑like conditions have been rescued
Agência Brasil
Published on 11/02/2025 - 14:09
Brasília (DF) 09/02/2025 - PF, em operação conjunta, inutiliza minas subterrâneas e resgata trabalhadores em condições análogas à escravidão no AM
Foto: PoliciaFederal/Divulgação
© PoliciaFederal/Divulgação

Operation Mineração Obscura 2 (“Obscure Mining 2”), by Brazil’s Federal Police, has used explosives to destroy four underground illegal gold mines. During the raid, agents also rescued workers subjected to slavery-like conditions.

The crackdown took place from January 31 to February 3 in Maués, Amazonas state, and was backed by the Federal Highway Police, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), the Ministry of Labor and Employment, national indigenous authority FUNAI, and the Labor Prosecution Service.

The intervention is an offshoot of Operation Déjà Vu, carried out in the region with records of similar practices.

The investigation started after complaints were made about the degrading exploitation of labor and the use of cyanide in the illegal extraction of gold. When exposed, cyanide can cause the death of the contaminated person. Mercury was also found at the site. The metal is used in mining to separate the gold from the soil.

Degrading working conditions

Teams from the Labor Prosecution Service in the field found that over 50 workers—including miners, cooks and managers, faced—exhausting working hours, precarious working conditions, no access to basic rights, and were exposed to risks arising from the use of toxic chemicals and the possible collapse of underground structures.

The inspectors also identified that most of the employees fled when they saw the public agents’ aircraft approaching. Only four remained and were rescued.

After taking in the workers, the government sent them back to their places of origin. Labor prosecutors will file a civil suit to guarantee their labor rights and hold the financiers of the illegal mining scheme accountable.

Environmental damage

Extracting ore through underground mines is considered an unusual and high-risk method.

The network of underground tunnels has caused environmental damage estimated at more than BRL 1 billion, taking into account the degradation of environmental preservation areas, deforestation, and contamination of groundwater.

In a statement, the police said the mine targeted is one of the oldest in Brazil, adding that this is the first time the Federal Police have removed the people who operated the clandestine facilities.