Brazilian national's execution "a serious diplomatic incident" with Indonesia

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sérgio Danese
Brazil's government regarded the execution of Brazilian national Rodrigo Gularte in Indonesia on Tuesday (Apr. 28) as a serious incident in the relationship between the two countries. The news of the shooting was met by the Brazilian authorities with “profound consternation”. The government conveyed its condolences and expressed solidarity with Gularte's family.
Gularte was 42 years old and his body will be buried in Brazil. He was arrested in Indonesia capital Jakarta in 2004 trying to smuggle 6 kilograms of cocaine into the country, and was sentenced to death in 2005. Earlier this year, President Dilma Rousseff sent an appeal letter to the Indonesian President requesting the commutation of the punishment in consideration for Gularte's psychiatric state.
According to a statement read by Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sérgio Danese, “the execution of a second Brazilian national in Indonesia is a serious incident in the relationship between the two countries and only makes Brazil more determined to support the abolition of capital punishment in international human rights bodies.”
According to Danese, Brazil's government will focus on maintaining dialogue with Indonesia in an attempt to prevent this type of execution from happening again. Brazil will also seek to “persuade countries that still practice capital punishment to gradually abolish it. Extensive efforts are underway to at least have countries place moratoriums on the use of capital punishment,” the diplomat said.
Translated by Mayra Borges
Fonte: Brazilian national's execution "a serious diplomatic incident" with Indonesia