Brazil condemns attempted coup in Bolivia

The move was said to be incompatible with Mercosur commitments

Published on 27/06/2024 - 08:40 By Agência Brasil - Brasília

The Brazilian government has issued an official statement condemning “in the strongest terms” the coup attempt underway in Bolivia, which involves the irregular mobilization of army troops. On Wednesday (Jun. 26), the Brazilian Foreign Ministry described the move as a clear threat to the democratic rule of law in the neighboring country.

“The Brazilian government expresses its support and solidarity with President Luis Arce and the Bolivian government and people. In this connection, [the Brazilian government] will be in permanent dialogue with the legitimate Bolivian authorities and with the governments of the other South American countries in order to reject this serious violation of the constitutional order in Bolivia and to reaffirm its commitment to the full validity of democracy in the region,” the note reads.

The facts were described as incompatible with Bolivia’s commitments to Mercosur, under the aegis of the Ushuaia Protocol.

Earlier in the day, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva spoke out in favor of democracy in the region. “As a lover of democracy, I want democracy to prevail in Latin America. A coup has never worked,” President Lula declared.

Translation: Fabrício Ferreira -  Edition: Aline Leal

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