New edition of the Immigrant and Refugee Rights Guide is available

The Migrant Support and Pastoral Center (Cami) and the National Association of Labor Justice Magistrates (Anamatra) launch this Saturday (18), in São Paulo, the new edition of the Pocket Guide on the Rights of Immigrant and Refugee Workers. The document provides information on fundamental labor rights for foreigners who are in Brazil.
Among other guidelines, the guide details the main documents that foreign workers must obtain in Brazil, the minimum rights and duties of those with a formal contract, the types of employment contract, and how the revalidation of diplomas works. The document also provides information on domestic work, public health, social assistance and retirement.
The text also clarifies doubts about workload, breaks for meals and rest and meal tickets, in addition to alerting immigrant or refugee workers to issues such as bullying, discrimination, child labor and contemporary slave labor.
The guide is now available on the internet and can be viewed here .
Text translated using artificial intelligence.