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TSE releases Pix for fundraising in elections

Parties and candidates must use the CNPJ or CPF
André Richter - Repórter da Agência Brasil
Published on 09/12/2021 - 20:05
O TSE aumentou o esquema de segurança para acessar o prédio do tribunal neste domingo
© José Cruz/Agência Brasil

The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) authorized today (9) the use of Pix, an instant payment system of the Central Bank (BC), to raise funds for the 2022 electoral campaigns. With the measure, parties and candidates will use the CNPJ or CPF as identification key.

In Thursday's session, the ministers also approved other rules for next year's elections. Campaigns will be able to hold musical events to raise funds, and the distribution of amounts from the Special Fund for Campaign Financing (FEFC) should take into account the double counting of votes received by women and black people for the distribution of resources.

Regarding party federations, it was defined that the rendering of accounts will be made individually by each party, detailing the amounts distributed to the candidates.

During the session, the unification of voting time throughout the country was also discussed. Under the proposal, voting in all states should follow Brasília time, even with different time zones. However, in view of the difficulty in complying with the measure, the issue will be discussed again next week.

Text translated using artificial intelligence.