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Another 250 charged over Jan. 8 pro-coup acts

The trial lasted a week
André Richter
Published on 09/05/2023 - 11:36
Brasília (DF) 11/04/2023 Fachada do palácio do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Foto: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil
© Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil

The Federal Supreme Court voted 8-2 to add an additional 250 defendants to the list of individuals implicated in the January 8 pro-coup acts. This decision brings the total number of accusations presented by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to 1.3 thousand, of which the Court has received 550.

Following the Federal Supreme Court's decision, the newly-added 250 individuals will now be required to answer to criminal charges and become defendants in the legal process. The accusations against them include crimes such as armed criminal association, violent subversion of the democratic rule of law, coup d'état, aggravated damage, and incitement to crime. 

Brasília (DF), 08.01.2023 - Manifestantes golpistas invadem o Congresso Nacional, STF e Palácio do Planalto. Foto: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil/Arquivo
Brasília, Jan. 8, 2023 – Pro-coup rioters invaded and ransacked the National Congress, the Planalto presidential palace and the Supreme Court. Photo: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Over the course of a week-long virtual trial, besides the rapporteur of the case Justice Alexandre de Moraes, seven other justices voted to accept the charges: Dias Toffoli, Edson Fachin, Gilmar Mendes, Luís Roberto Barroso, Cármen Lúcia, Luiz Fux, and the head of the Federal Supreme Court, Justice Rosa Weber.

During the virtual trial, two of the Federal Supreme Court justices, André Mendonça and Nunes Marques, presented diverging opinions and voted not to accept the charges against some of the individuals implicated in the January 8 coup attempts, who were camped in front of the Army headquarters in Brasília, but did not actively participate in the vandalism acts in the Three Powers Square.

Another 250 individuals accused of involvement in anti-democratic acts will face trial in the Federal Supreme Court, beginning on Tuesday (May 9).

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