Últimas notícias Federal Supreme Court

Brasília-DF, 03/04/2024, - O Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) assina acordo de cooperação com a Policia Federal e a Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU) para combate à desinformação nas eleições de outubro. Na foto: o presidente do TSE, Alexandre de Moraes, e o ministro da Justiça, Ricardo Lewandowski. Foto: Antonio Cruz/Agência Brasil

Elon Musk's company in Brazil must respond to court orders

In his ruling, Justice Moraes pointed out that Elon Musk’s company is pursuing "jurisdictional immunity" to evade the impact of Brazilian court decisions.

Ministro Luiz Fux nega Habeas Corpus a Robinho. Foto: Carlos Moura/SCO/STF

Supreme Court asserts Armed Forces do not serve as "moderating power"

According to Justice Fux, the power of the Armed Forces is circumscribed and precludes any interpretation allowing interference in the operations of the Three Powers.

Manifestantes se reúnem em frente ao QG do Exército em Brasília

Supreme Court Justice orders release of 46 arrested for pro-coup acts

As a condition of their release, the defendants must comply with precautionary measures, such as wearing electronic ankle monitors, instead of being held in custody.

Brasília, (DF) – 30-08-2023 - A presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Rosa Weber, lança livro e documentário sobre os atos antidemocráticos ocorridos em 8 de janeiro de 2023. Foto Valter Campanato/EBC.

Brazilian court launches book and documentary on January 8 attacks

According to a survey conducted by the Federal Attorney General's Office, the damage caused to the Supreme Court amounted to approximately BRL 11 million.

Os ministros Luiz Fux, Luis Roberto Barroso e Alexandre de Moraes, durante sessão do STF que  retoma julgamento sobre o compartilhamento de dados bancários e fiscais.

Brazil's Supreme Court has new chief justice

Currently serving as the vice chief justice, Luis Roberto Barroso is positioned to assume the role of the court's head, following the established succession order.